Alexandra mi-a pasat o noua leapsa, ca sa fie sigura ca nu uit alfabetul :)
- Available: depinde pentru ce/cine.
- Age: 16 cu accente de 17 :)
- Annoyance: sa stau la coada.
- Allergic: pepper makes me sneeze :)
- Animal: n-am :(
- Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio.
- Beer: Redd's.
- Birthday/Birthplace: 23.07.1992, Targoviste
- Best Friends: :-??
- Body Part on opposite sex: ochi si maini.
- Best feeling in the world: haaaappppiiiiinessssx.
- Blind or Deaf: none :-s dar banuiesc ca tre' sa aleg totusi : deaf.
- Best weather: soare si vant de primavara :X
- Been in Love: habar n-am, cred ca da...sau...
- Been bitched out? da.
- Been on stage? dada :X
- Believe in yourself? da.
- Believe in life on other planets: nu.
- Believe in miracles: da.
- Believe in Magic: da, dar nu in magia aia cu "ia uite ce iepuras frumos am scos din palarie.
- Believe in God: da, clar.
- Believe in Satan: ca exista? da, exista.
- Believe in Santa: as vrea :)
- Believe in Ghosts/spirits:mnu.
- Believe in Evolution: in evolutie da, logic, toti evoluam sau ar trebui :) In evolutionism nu cred.
- Car: om trai si om vedea.
- Candy: addicted :X
- Color: galbeeeeen :X
- Cried in school: parca da :-?
- Chocolate/Vanilla: ciocooooo :X
- Chinese/Mexican: cred ca mexican.
- Cake or pie: both.
- Countries to visit: any.
- Day or Night: day and night.
- Dream vehicle: aripi detasabile.
- Danced: da.
- Danced in the rain? :-? parca da.
- Danced in the middle of the street? damn, nu-mi amintesc. nu cred.
- Do the splits? hahaa, as vrea eu.
- Eggs: nu prea.
- Eyes: blue.
- Everyone has: suflet.
- Ever failed a class? nu.
- First crush: 3 ani [si ceva sau fara ceva :-?]
- Full name: Ioana M. :)
- First thoughts waking up: ce zi e?
- Food: sarmale, ciorba de pui, snitel de piept de pui cu piure si tiramisu :X
- Fruits: struguri, pepene, cirese, capsuni.
- Greatest Fear: de singuratate.
- Giver or taker: both.
- Goals: fericire.
- Gum: nu prea.mai bine Winterfresh mints.
- Get along with your parents? da.
- Good luck charms: o rugaciune.
- Hair Colour: saten.
- Height: 1.71
- Happy: oarecum.
- Holidays: iarna, intersemestriala, primavara, vara :X
- How do you want to die: implinita.
- Health freak? nu.
- Hate: nimic.Exista doar lucruri care nu-mi plac.
(In guys/girls)
- Eye colour: any.
- Hair Color: any.
- Height: at least as tall as I am, haha :)
- Clothing Style: natural si distinctiv totodata.
- Characteristics: inteligentza.
- Ice Cream: da:X ciocolata si alune :X
- Instrument: mouse :))
- Jewelry: cercei si inele.
- Job: n-am.vreau.
- Kids: o sa am, speeer, doi :) David si Maria cred :-?
- Kickboxing or karate: none.
- Keep a journal? nu mai am.
- Longest Car Ride: :-?
- Love: is all we need :)
- Letter: electronic :) n-am mai scris o scrisoare de cativa ani :-??
- Laughed so hard you cried: daaaa.
- Love at first sight: da.
- Milk flavour: not very keen on milk.
- Movie: Titanic, If Only, Just Like Heaven ,P.S. I Love You...
- Mooned anyone? bleah.nu :))
- Marriage: probabil ca da.
- Motion sickness?: uneori.
- McD’s or BK: Mc pentru BK n-am mancat.avem in Ro? :-?
- Number of Siblings: none.de fapt..nu stiu :)
- Number of Piercings: had one.have none.
- Number: 5.
-Nickname: :-??
- Overused Phrases: "pe bune", "esti varza, fata" , "la naiba, [in puii mei]", "ma rog" , "in fine" , "asa [si..]" si multe altele :)
- One wish: sa vina vacantza mareeee.
- One phobia: sa inot.
- Place you’d like to live: undeva pe plaja sau la munte, undeva unde e liniste si calm si frumos.
- Pepsi/Coke: none.
- Quail: uneori.
- Questionnaires: -
- Reason to cry: de fericire.
- Reality T.V.: reclamele de la Kandia.
- Radio Station: Kiss FM
- Roll your tongue in a circle?da
- Song: Vama Veche - Fericire
- Shoe size: 38-39
- Sushi: nu, mersi, am rabdare sa se prajeasca/coaca etc. pestele :)
- Skipped school: nu :"> ba da :))
- Slept outside: nu.
- Seen a dead body? da.
- Smoked? nu.
- Shower daily? da.
- Sing well? nu.
- In the shower? bineinteles.
- Swear? nu.
- Stuffed Animals? da, logic :X love my Mickey Mouse :X
- Single/Group dates: both.
- Strawberries/Blueberries: capsuni.
- Scientists need to invent: un ceva cu care sa oprim timpul :)
- Time for bed: :-??
- Thunderstorms: mi-e frica :)
- Touch your tongue to your nose? nu.
- Unpredictable: da.
- Under the influence? uneori.
- Understanding? asa si asa.
- Vegetable you hate: marar. e leguma? nu stiu, nu-mi place :))
- Vegetable you love: castravete.
- Vacation spot: plaja.dar oricum...vacanta sa fie, ca ne descurcam noi :X
- Weakness: multe.
- When you grow up:" ...I wanna be famous, I wanna be a star, I wanna be in movies, when I grow up I wanna see the world, drive nice cars, I wanna have boobies..." :))
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: -
- Who makes you laugh the most: -
- Worst feeling: e o stare pe care nu stiu sa o descriu.
- Wanted to be a model? mda si nu.
- Where do we go when we die: depinde.
- Worst weather: ploaie mocaneasca.
- Walk with a book on your head? da, pot, dar prefer sa o tin in geanta :))
- X-Rays: ce e cu ele? da, am trecut si prin d'astea.
-Year it is now: 2009
-Yellow: yellloooowwwww :X
- Zoo animal: :-??
- Zodiac sign: Leo.
1. Slept in a bed beside you? mama.
2. Last person to see you cry? eu.
3. Went to the movies with you? ohooo.cred ca hmm... colegii din 1-4 la "101 dalmatieni" :))
4. You went to the mall with? nici nu mai stiu cand am fost la mall.cred ca anul trecut cu grupu' de debateri :)
5. You went to dinner with? mama.
6. You talked to on the phone? tataie.
7. Made you laugh? :-?
Pfiuu, hai ca am scapat. :) Mi-a placut, am retrait sentimentul pe care il aveam cand completam oracole in generala :)) Mersi, Alex :D
avec plaisir... si eu am vazut 101 dalmatieni la cinematograf cu colegutziii :X
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